giovedì 29 novembre 2018
If the the word 'classic' could express the concept in a motorcycle.
The weight of time seems to have no effect on the lines of certain motorcycles, the power of the classic style. Are you agree?
lunedì 26 novembre 2018
Black n' white garage
When you have to choose a new house, all we know there is just one main thing...a big garage.
Have a nice week and keep to follow your passions.
Have a nice week and keep to follow your passions.
giovedì 22 novembre 2018
martedì 20 novembre 2018
The Mild One
Steve McQueen, nell'arco della sua carriera cinematografica, è stato in accesa rivalità con alcuni attori dell'epoca, dando vita a numerosi e divertenti 'scontri' con molti volti noti della Hollywood di quegli anni.
Steve, grande appassionato e possessore di vari modelli di moto, fece scrivere sul fianco di una delle sue, 'The Mild One' (quello tranquillo) nel chiaro intento di sbeffeggiare Marlon Brando, che nel 1953 aveva interperato The Wild One (quello selvaggio) nel ruolo di Jonnhy Strabler.
La realtà dei fatti era ben diversa. Steve McQueen, come sapevano gli amici, le fidanzate ed i registi, non era affatto un tipo tranquillo (da Steve McQueen - La biografia di C. Sandford)
Steve McQueen, in his film career, has been in rivalry with some actors of the time, giving life to funny 'fights' with many famous faces of Hollywood of those years.Steve, a great motorcycle enthusiast, wrote on the side of one of his bike 'The Mild One', in the clear intent of mocking Marlon Brando, who in 1953 was the main actor in The Wild One, in the role of Jonnhy Strabler.
The reality of the facts was very different. Steve McQueen, as friends, girlfriends and directors knew, was not a quiet guy at all (from Steve McQueen - The biography of C. Sandford)
lunedì 19 novembre 2018
sabato 17 novembre 2018
St Jude and the Indians
Ecco una di quelle novità che emozionano.
Nasce ad Empoli (Firenze) il primo dealer Indian Motorcycles della Toscana, il SJT Gentrlemen's Club.
San Giuda Taddeo, oltre che patrono dei casi impossibili, disperati e cause perse, ci porterà tante focose e rumorose indiane pronte a mangiare la strada.
St Jude Thaddeus Gentlemen's Club is born and it is the first Indian Motorcycles dealer in Tuscany, based in Florence (Empoli).
venerdì 16 novembre 2018
giovedì 15 novembre 2018
mercoledì 14 novembre 2018
Terrot Motorcycles
Old French motorcycles brand Terrot was founded in 1902.
Terrot has produced engine up to 500cc and in 1929 the company produced its 100.000th motorcycle.
They also supplied French Army with sidecars in the II world war.
Later, in 1958, Peugeot took over the company. In 1961, production ended at the former Terrot factory.
Terrot has produced engine up to 500cc and in 1929 the company produced its 100.000th motorcycle.
They also supplied French Army with sidecars in the II world war.
Later, in 1958, Peugeot took over the company. In 1961, production ended at the former Terrot factory.
martedì 13 novembre 2018
Now Open
Are you living in the U.S.?! Here is something for you.
Don't be shy! Check out the new t-shirts here:

lunedì 12 novembre 2018
Our personal Eicma Best in Show
These are the bikes we liked most of the last Eicma in Milan, displayed in ramdom order.
We apologize for the forgotten beauties...
venerdì 9 novembre 2018
mercoledì 7 novembre 2018
Ton Up Cafe

Some places do not need advertising. But this is not an advertising post.
If one day you will travelling to Taiwan don't miss this fabulous bar calling Ton Up Cafe, it is in New Taipei (Taipei).
Cafe racer lovers, ton up boys and brit bikes riders you will find a great ambience, a warm cup of coffee and more.
martedì 6 novembre 2018
Today is the day
We can finally show you our new products.
Click on the link below to explore all the new t-shirts!
- Please note, in the first time, the tees are available just for the american market.
Online Shop coming soon for the rest of the globe!
Order here your new CaraibiRockers t-shirt:
lunedì 5 novembre 2018
La chica del lunes
Vorremmo sederci accanto a lei, e magari farci guidare per qualche sentiero secondario, ammirando il è lunedì, quindi gambe in spalla!
venerdì 2 novembre 2018
Norton #15
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